Use this order form if you are purchasing a block of courses for many people, staff of your agency or courses meant for other people besides yourself to take. For instructions see bottom of page.
Use this order form if you are purchasing a course for someone other than yourself, or a block of multiple courses for agency staff (which may include you).
To purchase a course ONLY for yourself, please do not use this form. Instead, we invite you to purchase courses for yourself by choosing
options 1-4 listed on our homepage, or Day Array training, linked at the top of
Thank you!
For instructions see bottom of page.
Agency Name | Agency Name: |
How to Buy a Block of Courses
Let's walk you through the process to establish an agency account:
1. Determine which courses and how many of them are required for your staff. (If you need help sifting through the requirements, write
2. Choose the quantity for each course you need. Click add to cart, and proceed to express checkout.
3. Create an account as the purchaser. Be sure to remember which email address you are using. (If you ever need to change that email address, write and we'll help.)
4. Enter card information. Be sure the address you enter matches the address where your card statement is sent. On the order preview page it will ask you to check yes if you are an agency provider.
5. Receive your agency code. Please send staff names to customer service, then we'll send back your Agency Code. Each person using your company code will create their own account with their own email address—no sharing emails. Once your employees have created their own accounts, they will choose the course, go to checkout and enter the Agency Code instead of credit card information. You use the card; they use the code.
6. Track your training in one step. When you sign in, look on the lower left for Agency User Report. This is your excel sheet listing names of staff, courses taken, dates tests were passed, and access to print your staff's certificates.
Please try the steps first, and support by email (
If you need help via phone, email us a contact name and phone number and we'll be happy to get back with you. (
Thank you!