An Ethics Perspective: Guiding Your Team to Support Self- Determination (2hrs)(2025)


Objectives of the Course:

  1. As a Frontline Supervisor I will guide the team to assist and encourage each person to direct his or her own life.
  2. As a Frontline Supervisor I will guide the team to assist each person we support to identify and reach life enhancing goals.
  3. As a Frontline Supervisor I will guide the team to work in partnership with the people we support, and the people close to them.
  4. As a Frontline Supervisor I will guide the team to honor the person's right to assume reasonable risk.

Section 1: Guiding the team to assist and encourage each person to direct his or her own life

  • Respecting the values and ideals of the people we support.
  • Facilitating their expression of decisions and choices related to those values.
  • How empowered people look, feel, and act and how other people treat them.
  • Empowerment and self-determination and people who have more intensive levels of disability.
  • Assisting people who have higher levels of disability to become more empowered
  • Everyone deserves to be assisted to be the leaders of their own lives.
  • Working to overcome barriers to self-determination.
  • Using our knowledge of the person, from our relationship with that person, to make the decisions if the person is unable to participate in the decision.
  • The person’s right to be satisfied with the supports they receive.

Section 2: Guiding the team to assist each person we support to identify and reach life enhancing goals.

  • Potential differences in dreams and goals of people with and without disabilities. 
  • Potential ethical dilemmas related to differences in dreams and goals.

Section 3: Guiding the team to work in partnership with the people we support, and the people close to them.

  • The concept of ‘partnership.’
  • The purpose of the partnership
  • Letting the person guide the partnerships. 

Section 4: Guiding the team to honor the person's right to assume reasonable risk.

  • Equipping the person to weigh risk as they make decisions and choices and take actions.
  • Considering negative consequences to decisions people make.
  • The downside of protecting people from natural consequences and mistakes – restricting their ability to grow, mature, and learn.
  • Including the person in decisions and putting them in the ‘drivers’ seat.’
  • Identifying and addressing significant risk versus reasonable risk.
  • Acceptable and unacceptable consequences.
    An Ethics Perspective: Guiding Your Team to Support Self- Determination (2hrs)(2025)
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