First Year Training: ADS, Career Planning, Group & Individual Employment, Voc Hab (8 hours)
Chapter 1: Mentor/Protégé guidelines
- Identify mentor responsibilities
- Clarify protégé responsibilities
- List tasks a mentor can teach
- Review the values of mentor relationship
Chapter 2: Developing Natural Supports
- Natural support versus caregiving
- When is it too much?
Chapter 3: Skill building
- Adult Day Support
- Identify necessary activities and environments that build on the individual's strengths
- Foster the development of skills that lead to greater independence, community membership, relationship-building, and self-direction.
- Develop natural supports
- Career Planning, Group Employment Support, Individual Employment Support, and Vocational Habilitation
- Advancement on the path to community employment
- Foster the development of skills necessary for competitive integrated employment
- Assistance in seeking advancement if currently employed
- Employment Case Stories
Chapter 4: Self-Determination
- Identify methods of assisting individuals to develop self- advocacy skills, exercise civil rights
- Clarify how to exercise choices regarding services received
- List ways to facilitate building skills that enable the individual to become more independent
- Review methods to generalize skills to become productive and integrated within the community.