First 30 Days Training: ADS, Career Planning, Group/Individual Employment, Voc Hab (8 hours)
Chapter 1: Ethical and Professional Conduct and Practice
- Identify ethical and professional conduct and practice
- Examine conflicts of interest and how to avoid those
- Review working effectively with individuals, families, and other team members
Chapter 2: Components of Quality Care for Individuals Served
- Examine interpersonal relationships and trust
- Review cultural and personal sensitivity
- Identify use of effective communication
- Identify person-centered philosophy and practice
- Clarify roles and responsibilities of team members
- Review record-keeping, progress notes, incident/accident reports
Chapter 3: Health and Safety
- Review signs and symptoms of illness or injury and procedure for response
- Identify building/site specific emergency response plans
- Identify program-specific transportation safety
Chapter 4: Mentor/Protégé guidelines and handouts
- Identify mentor responsibilities
- Clarify protégé responsibilities
- List tasks a mentor can teach
- Review the values of mentor relationship
Chapter 5: Definition of services that comprise the following:
- Adult Day Support
- Career Planning
- Group Employment Support
- Individual Employment Support
- Vocational Habilitation